Delightful, Delicious, De-Lovely… Sunglasses
I’m sure by this point I sound like a broken record, but have I mentioned I love aviator sunglasses? Ok, I’ll let it go and give other glasses a chance too, but you have to know that these babies hold a special place in my heart for ABSOLUTELY no reason. I just like ‘em!
That being said, my one real complaint about them is they always look so masculine. I have never invested a lot of money in aviators because I would need more than one pair (every girl needs a pair for every-day and when they want to be girly). Aviators make you look like you could fly a plane through artillery fire, but they don’t give you a whole lot of options for looking like a dainty lady.

I went on the hunt for some glasses that could give me the shape of aviators with a classy edge so I wouldn’t have to buy multiple pairs. What I found were the Marc by Marc Jacobs Women’s MMJ 184/S Aviator Sunglasses, and man, do these hit the mark. They are the perfect combination of female style with aviator toughness. Basically, I can’t hide my excitement right now.
Overjoyed By The Style. Happy With The Price
Not only are they gorgeous and oh-so-classy, but the price is right too. In fact, the price is so good I want them in more than one color. To be honest, I want them in ALL OF THE COLORS, but that might be overdoing it just a bit. Still, I can totally afford more than one pair and not feel guilty.
Amazing Protection
The frames are lightweight and the lenses are durable. The nose pieces are adjustable so you shouldn’t have a problem with getting poked by the metal which can happen with some metal framed aviators.
Not Enough Coverage
Some of the lighter colors are not as friendly on the eyes as the darker options, so that’s something to consider when you’re trying to pick out glasses like this. Some people don’t feel like they offer enough protection for the eyes because of the light colors.
Beautiful Colors
The MMJ 84/S come in brown, ruthenium and grey, gold, gold and gradient, gold red frames with brown violet shaded lenses, silver, ruthenium frames with blue gradient lenses, ruthenium frames with grey gradient and aqua lenses and gold brown with brown lenses.
Did you keep up with all of that? I did, and I’m totally dizzy because of how much I want ALL OF THEM.

Slightly Contorted
Because they are metal frames, the MMJH 184/S have a tendency to bend when under too much pressure. The good news is that metal frames almost always bend right back, but it is disconcerting to see brand new glasses get bent in that way, although it will take some real bending for this to happen!
Ultimate Adoration
Overall, I think I’m in love. I know I haven’t done a very good job of hiding that, but I’m basically bursting at the seams with how much I adore these glasses. They have most everything I’ve been looking for, and I won’t feel guilty about buying them. That being said, the choice is always yours. Just because I love these, it doesn’t mean you have to buy them but…
If you’re like me and want to make a pair of these part of your every day arrangement, then scoot on over here and buy a pair or two. And send one to me while you’re at it!